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Discover your next breakthrough:

an intuitive and holistic 1:1 guidance session with Sara









Increase your awareness & lighten your spirit for a deeper soul connection, inspiring breakthroughs that enhance your effectiveness and fulfillment

in every area of your life.

For 15 + years, Sara has dedicated herself to a profound journey of self-discovery while guiding others on their unique paths. Her extensive studies encompass:


  • Fitness

  • Holistic Nutrition

  • Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation

  • Reiki

  • Transformative Workshops

  • Colour and Sound Healing

  • Gene Keys and Human Design


Sara's vast tool belt of modalities is complemented by countless hours of mentorship in Zen Buddhism and various other traditions. Through her holistic approach, she interweaves all these experiences to offer unique-to-the-individual sessions that foster deeper soul connection, inspiring breakthroughs and enhancing effectiveness and fulfillment in all areas of life.



for an application to see if we'd be a right fit to work together!



  •  1:1 Zoom session (60 min) 

  • $222 (+tax)  - e-transfer

    • ( Regular Rate $330 Starts in September)


** A calendar link for booking will be sent upon email request.


( 8 Session package - $1600)

* $2200 in September









"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."- Joseph Campbell

Client Love











- " I have found calm, confidence, courage. She's a straight talker and destroyer of fear and self-doubt." 

- Joel

- "Sara's inspired Transformation workshop helped change both the way I treat myself and the way I view myself which I can't thank her enough for. When you work with her, it's always over before you want it to be!

Thank you Sara for being such an inspiration and for just being you!!!"

- Ally

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