How do you navigate the cycles of change in your life?
This year, as I prepare for my biggest move yet - to Canada’s Pacific Coast, I find myself reflecting deeply on the power of the cycle of 7.This is move 7 in 7 years.
Oh, how real is the power of the cycle of 7.
It’s been an extremely powerful time of conscious letting go (of physical things, yes, but also of emotional, ancestral & karmic weight). Intense years of tending to my inner garden and disciplined & surrendered action to align my inner and outer life, my online and offline worlds.
I’m always working to balance the time I spend online with my precious time offline, to listen to what wants to be expressed, to whom and when and where… as the world at large has been going through its revolutions.Reflecting on this cycle, I realize how each seven-year phase of our lives carries its unique lessons and growth.
The Venus Sequence from the Gene Keys (as well as many other systems) teaches us that our emotional and spiritual evolution moves in these cycles, inviting us to revisit and heal layers of our being. As I prepare for this new chapter, I’m reminded of the deep contentment and harmony that come from embracing these cycles with conscious intention.
This is a time of great change, and the energy available to us now calls for conscious letting go, clear vision, and the patience to cultivate greater harmony in our lives. As I step into this new cycle, I carry with me the lessons of the past seven years, knowing that true peace is found not in the absence of challenges but in the alignment of our inner and outer worlds.
How are you navigating your own cycles of growth? What is your vision for the next phase of your life, and how are you preparing to cultivate harmony and contentment? - I may post a video deeper on this topic on my YouTube channel.
If you are interested to dive deeper just let me know!