Looking for something quick to do with your kale? This is one of my fav ways to eat kale and just about the only way I can get my boyfriend to eat it (besides hiding it in a smoothie :) ). It’s also SUPER quick and easy!
Using a stirfy pan, gently heat up some coconut oil and or olive oil AND ALMOND BUTTER (1 -2 TBS ) and sprinkle in some turmeric, Himalayan sea salt or Herbamare (by A.Vogel), pepper, paprika and cumin. Add your Kale ( 1/2 to 1 bunch of it).
Meanwhile cook some noodles. I used gluten free pasta from Costco (quinoa, amaranth and brown rice mix).
Keep the kale moving, stirring it around to soak up all the spicy goodness, it won’t take long to cook the kale down. Then transfer the cooked kale into a bowl.
But don’t go washing that pan yet.
When the noodles are done, toss them into the kale pan. Add some olive oil and sprinkle some Herbamare to give a little flavour to the noodles.
Stir the noodles around to soak up some of that spicy goodness before adding to your bowl of kale.
Finish by sprinkling some hemp seeds and/or sesame seeds on top!
Nutritious and Delish
p.s. if you haven’t used herbamare, go try it! You can find it at Fortinios or health food stores…it’s awesome :)