Align and Shine - Is now your time!?
I am so excited to be offering this group program. This is my first official online group program ever! I've done so many in person workshops and programs over the years, everything from bootcamps, yoga, mom and baby workouts, transformation workshops, body love workshops, to broadcast masterclasses and video confidence!
This is an 8 week journey to gaining more confidence in expressing yourself on video and I very much have a holistic approach honouring our energetics as the most important!
When we feel in full alignment to our soul - content flows effortless, which means we can stay consistent and build powerful trust with our community and potential customers.
Video is a powerful way to build trust and grow your brand or business in 2022 and beyond! Developing the art of video presence, confidence, connection and clarity with what to say is key!
I've just launched a new group program that starts June 1st!
If you could benefit from working in a small group to practice -
showing up confidently on camera digitally connecting to your community, client or customer gaining more clarity with what to say and how
- this program is for you!
In this program we will:
dive into the barriers that prevent you from showing up confidently on camera explore content ideas and strategies that will really help you to connect to the right people recover some of your creative superpowers to make showing up on video actually fun!
Video is the best way to build trust. Trust is amplified when you to show up consistently, authentically and vulnerably.
It can be very daunting, overwhelming and easy to hide or procrastinate...even when your soul keeps tugging at you to get more visible!
Visibility is what will set you apart and build your authority and leadership in your area of expertise.
You have powerful gifts and stories to share, but you could use some accountability, safe practice space and loving guidance!
That's why I'm here!
After this 8 week program you will feel more confident, clear and inspired to show up on video in your unique style.
It's time to get comfortable with getting visible!
Registration is open, and you can check out more info at the link.
If you want to check out my free video (15 min) with my top 4 tips for video confidence and connection - check it out here.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions or would like to have a quick chat if this is right for you.