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Gene Key 53 Contemplation: Immaturity & Holistic Expansion to Super Abundance

Welcome to my channel! Join me as I embark on a new beginning on Vancouver Island, feeling the fresh energy of a restart after crossing 8 time zones from Italy just two nights ago. In this dream-like state, I bring forward the importance of moving slowly and listening deeply to our bodies' needs, especially in contrast to the hustle and bustle culture of this time. In this video, I delve into Gene Key 53, exploring the journey from immaturity to holistic expansion and ultimately to the meaning of superabundance. I discuss how our restlessness and victim mentality are at the root of our immaturity and how slowing down to listen to our inner wisdom can guide us toward true evolution and safety. I'll share insights from Richard Rudd on the three components to perfect harmony as they relate to expansion. Through my own story and experiences, I'll offer reflections on what you might be feeling during this sun transit and how we can all move towards greater harmony and abundance. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to stay updated with my latest contemplations and journey insights.



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